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Professional Support for Challenging Circumstances

Coaching is a helpful service when navigating a new area of life such as family changes, parenting challenges, or a divorce transition. There can be times in life where there are multiple adjustments and one difficult event after another. When we feel overwhelmed, it can be difficult to navigate the choices, stressors, and unknowns of the future.

Coaching is not the same as therapy. In coaching, a mental health concern or seeking to relieve symptoms is not part of the goal(s). While we still address how you think and feel, we focus on the obstacles you have and how to go about them skillfully, which can improve your confidence in difficult circumstances.

Coaching can be for a variety of things such as preparing for difficult events, managing family stress, navigating a divorce, working with a co-parent, and improving professional relationships. Coaching is very forward-thinking, gets your feet under you, makes the space to think through decisions, strategizes managing challenging relationships, and focuses on personal growth. Coaching is a space for you to set yourself up for a positive future and work towards being your best self. Sometimes coaching is very brief with only a few sessions, while other times it is longer-term and your coach works alongside you to provide support and navigate challenges.

Sometimes, people prefer coaching services as it is not as intimidating as therapy or because there are no mental health diagnoses involved. Insurance needs a mental health diagnosis to reimburse for therapy services, whereas, coaching does not involve insurance or diagnoses. Coaching is still a confidential process and we prioritize moving you towards healthier and happier living.

Individual Coaching

Coaching is all about getting you to feel like your "ideal self" in all areas of your life. Maybe things have been very stressful lately or you would just like the professional guidance from someone outside of your social circle that can support you in decision-making and stress management. Working with a coach will help you achieve personal and professional goals faster and gain confidence so that you get on a path that leads to what you define as "success." In coaching, practical and educational tools are used to strategically move forward and create the life you want to be living. We focus on recognizing and addressing what is in your control and how you'd like to respond to things that are out of your control.

Parent Coaching

What is best for our kids? How do we know when our parenting is "good enough?"

All parents face challenges when raising their children. Even children in the same households can have vastly different personalities and needs for their development. Parent coaching is to help provide support for parents in their decision-making and providing structure for their children's development. Having a parenting coach with a family system and mental health background can provide the support you need in parenting. Whether it is working on emotion regulation with a young child to addressing mental health concerns in a teen, a parenting coach works alongside you to meet the needs of your children and build strong relationships.

Co-Parent Coaching

After a divorce, separation, or ongoing concerns about custody, it can be helpful to work with a professional that is knowledgeable about co-parenting, parenting, and family law. In co-parent coaching, either both parents or one parent is present, and we go beyond what is discussed in legal processes and discuss what the new chapter is going to be like for your children and their daily life. While their parents are not in the same household, if you were to ask a child to draw their family after a divorce, they still draw both parents and have a natural desire to be with their parents. The legal part of divorce is only a fraction of what the family is experiencing, therefore, it can be helpful to work with a mental health professional for the health and well-being of parents and children. In co-parent coaching, we work towards meeting the best interests of your child and having smooth transitions between households.

In some cases, co-parents are considered "high-conflict" as they have needed extensive legal services or there is domestic violence. Therefore, working with both co-parents may not be appropriate. In these circumstances, you can work with your coach to see what is most appropriate to meet the needs of you and your child(ren).

Divorce Coaching

Divorce is hard. Whether you initiated the divorce or you do not want the divorce, it is a huge transition. There are a lot of unknowns and the instability can create a lot of anxiety, along with all of the other emotions experienced. Having a divorce coach can be helpful to have someone to confide in and provide support as you navigate this new chapter. It is a time for people to work on their own well-being and identity as they move forward from the divorce. And for those who are parents, I always tell my clients, "you can't pour from an empty cup" meaning that it is important for you to be your best self to provide a strong foundation for your kids. Whether we meet briefly here and there to work on concerns or we meet regularly to achieve goals, we can work together to get through this experience and to promote your best self moving forward.

Guyette Family Guidance, PLLC

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11670 Fountains Drive #200
Maple Grove, MN 55369

Guyette Family Guidance

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