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Couples Therapy

“Issues and conflict will arise in every relationship. But in healthy relationships, the deeper issue is recognized, and we work to chip away at it, moving from rupture to repair.”


- Ester Perel

Relationships are hard for all of us and sometimes they need a little or a lot of repairing to move forward. There may be problems that appear out-of-the-blue or ones that have been a problem for years. When I work with couples, I work with both partners equally to get to the root of the relationship dysfunction and invite both partners to work to improve the relationship. Therapy that involves both partners is often powerful because clients can actually take the time to talk with each other about things that go unsaid in a constructive way due to the skills of the therapist.


Communication issues serve as a common thread among many couples seeking therapy, and it's understandable given the pivotal role communication plays in the health and longevity of a relationship. However, I recognize that each couple's concerns and challenges are unique and multifaceted. Whether you're grappling with communication breakdowns, trust issues, intimacy struggles, or a combination of factors, rest assured that we will work collaboratively to address your specific needs and goals.


In relationships, it's not uncommon for partners to find themselves caught in repetitive patterns of conflict that seem to dominate their interactions, leaving them feeling trapped and frustrated. These patterns can manifest in various ways, from constant arguments over seemingly trivial matters to deeper-rooted issues that resurface time and again.

When conflicts become entrenched in a relationship, they can overshadow the positive aspects and erode the emotional connection between partners. Instead of feeling like equal partners working towards common goals, individuals may feel like adversaries locked in a cycle of blame, defensiveness, and resentment.


In therapy, it is important for it to be an environment for couples to explore these patterns of conflict, identify underlying triggers and dynamics, and develop strategies for breaking free from the cycle. Through guided exercises, communication skills training, and conflict resolution techniques, couples can learn to navigate disagreements more effectively, foster empathy and understanding, and cultivate a healthier, more harmonious relationship.

Emotional Intimacy

The decline of emotional intimacy is a widespread concern among couples, often leading to feelings of detachment, isolation, and uncertainty about the future of the relationship. When partners start to perceive each other more as roommates than romantic companions, and the once vibrant connection begins to fade, it can be a deeply disheartening and challenging experience.


In therapy, we acknowledge that emotional intimacy serves as the cornerstone of a fulfilling and meaningful relationship. It's the profound bond, the mutual vulnerabilities shared, and the sense of closeness that nourish love, trust, and mutual understanding. As this intimacy diminishes, couples may find themselves growing apart, feeling distant, and unsure of how to rekindle their connection. In therapy, we collaborate with couples to delve into the underlying factors contributing to the decrease of intimacy and to develop effective strategies for reigniting the emotional bond.

Thinking of Divorce- Discernment Counseling

When couples reach the point of seeking therapy, it often signifies a critical juncture in their relationship journey. For some, thoughts of divorce may have already crossed their minds, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the future. In other cases, one partner may feel they are drifting away from the relationship, viewing therapy as a final attempt to salvage what remains. In therapy, my approach is to meet each individual where they stand emotionally and mentally, acknowledging their unique perspectives and concerns. We strive to create a safe and non-judgmental space where both partners can openly express their thoughts and feelings. Through collaborative dialogue and introspection, we work together to identify the underlying issues, explore potential solutions, and develop a plan for moving forward. Whether it's reigniting the spark of connection, rebuilding trust, or navigating the complexities of separation, the goal is to support each individual in finding clarity and resolution, regardless of the path they choose.


One modality for addressing divorce contemplation is called "Discernment Counseling." This is a research-based practice created by University of Minnesota professors (actually some of my former professors). This is a structured approach for couples "on the brink" of divorce. It is evident that partners want "clarity" and "confidence" in their next steps. My goal as the provider is for both partners to have a healthy well-being whether they remain in the relationship or not and help foster a path to move forward.





11670 Fountains Drive #200

Maple Grove, MN 55369

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