Families in Divorce, Separation, or Custody Disputes

Information and Services

Thinking about or experiencing divorce, separation, or custody disputes is a hardship and an intense emotional process. The legal and emotional transition can feel complicated, stressful, and it is an area that you are learning to navigate. Often, therapists or coaches are not educated in family court matters unless they have additional training beyond their graduate education. Your therapist or coach should be already knowledgeable and able to walk alongside you. Professionals with this background can provide services better catered to you or your family's needs because they understand the family court system and the impact of divorce/separation on families.

I study families and family services in divorce or separation transitions in my doctorate program at the University of Minnesota. I apply my lens as a therapist and coach to understand family dynamics in the complexity of divorce and family separation. My specialty area of practice is working with individuals of all ages or families seeking services due to divorce or separation. I lead with empathy and focus on the needs of individuals and families. I take a client-oriented approach throughout the process and create goals with clients based on their needs and their hopes for the future.

Services for Families in Divorce or Separation

Divorce or separation is an emotional and practical transition that occurs in three phases: contemplation, initiation, and adjustment. Therapy or coaching services may be needed at different times based on the needs of the family.

divorce contemplation

Divorce or Separation Contemplation

In the contemplation stage, divorce or separation has been brought up by one or both partners. It can be important to work with a therapist or coach for individuals or for relationships in the family. You and your spouse may benefit from couples therapy to repair and rebuild your relationship or discernment counseling to determine if the relationship is repairable.

Other times, individual therapy is helpful as people tend to be experiencing a lot of distress from the deterioration of their relationship or the conflict in the home. Some individuals may want to be in therapy to address mental health concerns while others prefer coaching to navigate the challenging dynamics at home.

Services may be needed for the family or children and family therapy is important to consider. Children are typically aware of the tension between parents and maybe acting out or internalizing what is happening. It is important to consider how the distress at home is impacting relationships and all family members.

Click the link below for coaching and therapy services during divorce or separation contemplation.

Divorce or Separation Initiation

Divorce or separation initiation is when the legal proceedings have begun or the transition from one to two households is occuring. Sometimes parents need their own individual coaching or therapy to navigate the divorce transition.

Sometimes, parents need coaching for their co-parenting to discuss the details of parenting from separate households and address the needs of children during divorce.

Other times, children can struggle during divorce as they are unsure of what the future holds for them. Children often internalize things and find it hard to talk to their parents. Child Therapy can be significant in preventing the long-term effects of divorce on child development.

Click the link below for coaching and therapy services during divorce or separation initiation.

divorce initiation

divorce adjustment

Divorce or Separation Adjustment

After the divorce or separation occurs, parents and children must adjust to post-divorce relationships and life in separate homes.

For children, therapy may be important as the children are navigating their new family structure. Sometimes there is a strain in parent-child relationships after divorce and Parent-Child Relationship Repair (formerly reunification therapy) may be necessary to repair the relationships that are strained from the effects of the divorce.

For some parents, having a co-parent or parenting coach can be helpful to discuss different aspects of parenting between two households and make sure children's needs are addressed.

Lastly, individual coaching or therapy may be helpful for parents or individuals who are adjusting to the divorce transition. Whether it is from addressing mental health concerns in therapy to working with a difficult co-parent through coaching, professional services can help make the divorce adjustment future-oriented.

Click the link below for coaching and therapy services during divorce or separation adjustment.